Best Cheap Buys

The internet puts all kinds of unique and eccentric products at our fingertips. Money is tight for everyone these days, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some of the cooler things out there, even when on a budget. Here are some of the best cheap buys you can find around the web.

A Carnivorous Plant

venus flytrapEven if you don’t have an ant problem, the Venus flytrap is simply a great cheap buy.… read more “Best Cheap Buys”

Best Introductory eCommerce Software for 2015

If you want to be successful in business in 2015, you simply need to have an online presence. That means you’ll need to build a site that displays your digital storefront, that showcases your product, and offers your clients a seamless and secure checkout experience. The best way to accomplish this is to choose one of the many eCommerce software options available.… read more “Best Introductory eCommerce Software for 2015”

Amazon Listing Optimization

Amazon box packagesAmazon has become the go-to online shopping location. You can get just about anything you can imagine on Amazon, from toilet paper to video games to Thanksgiving turkeys. The wide range of products on Amazon makes it incredibly easy to find what you want at the most affordable prices. So how do you cut through the noise and clutter of all that product and all those different options to reach your customer base?… read more “Amazon Listing Optimization”

Glassdoor Reputation Management

You care about your company. After all, it’s not just how you make a living; it’s what you do. You spend so much time and energy to provide above-and-beyond customer service to ensure that your consumers have a great experience. That means taking the time to understand negative experiences, learn from them, and implement changes to make sure they don’t occur again.… read more “Glassdoor Reputation Management”

How to Handle Glassdoor Negative Reviews

Reputation management is an aspect of social media that has been slowly building the past few years. Websites like Yelp and Glassdoor let both customers and employees put their two cents about your company onto the ever-visible world wide web. For the most part, these reviews and comments are positive, but negative reviews are the ones that really stick out.… read more “How to Handle Glassdoor Negative Reviews”

Best Stand Up Comedy

Life is filled with pretty serious stuff. Wars, illness, the environment, daily commutes, relationships. The stress of modern life can build up. Give your mind a break with some of the best stand up comedy out there. Comedians turn the serious aspects of life into a hilarious respite from worry. They say the things the rest of us can’t, or shouldn’t.… read more “Best Stand Up Comedy”