Best Stand Up Comedy

Life is filled with pretty serious stuff. Wars, illness, the environment, daily commutes, relationships. The stress of modern life can build up. Give your mind a break with some of the best stand up comedy out there. Comedians turn the serious aspects of life into a hilarious respite from worry. They say the things the rest of us can’t, or shouldn’t.… read more “Best Stand Up Comedy”

Best Chrome Extensions of 2014

google-chrome-settingsIf you use the Chrome browser, you know just how functional and seamless the extensions can be. They increase your productivity and give you a better web browsing experience. Here are a few of the best Chrome extensions of 2014, in this author’s opinion.

Define It

Useful extensions do not have to be complicated. The Google Dictionary extension gives you fast definitions of words right from your web browser.… read more “Best Chrome Extensions of 2014”

Taxation Without Representation

Our hallowed Founding Fathers in these United States began a revolution that begat the most powerful and prosperous nation in history to right a single wrong: taxation without representation.

At this point in my life of 30 years, I have paid more in taxes than most Americans have or will pay in their lifetimes. I care more about the success or failure of our country than most Americans seem to.… read more “Taxation Without Representation”