The University of Washington Huskies are winless this season, having lost the first five games. We are also the unfortunate possessors of the nations longest losing streak- 7 games. Even Bob Condotta, the Seattle Times writer of the Husky football blog, said “It’s now 48-7 Arizona with 38 seconds to go in the third quarter and the Huskies look like a team that has quit.… read more “UW Huskies Football Team Hit New Low in Arizona Loss”
Category: Uncategorized
$700 Billion Bailout Passed: American Principles Dying
Bad news out of Washington DC- the House of Representatives approved the massive $700 billion bailout by a margin of 263-171.‚ This massive step towards socialism is going to lead to dire consequences to our free market in the future.‚ From now on, major companies are going to expect the government to backstop all of their mistakes.‚ … read more “$700 Billion Bailout Passed: American Principles Dying”
Truck and Tractor Digital Display Clock
The Truck and Tractor Digital Display Clock is a important time-telling device. This tool comes with many features and settings. Get to your destination on schedule with this tool.
Why I Don’t Vote Part 2
Watch this video of John McCain abandoning his most fundamental principle (small government, less regulation) at his first sign of crisis. I don’t want this two faced hypocrite with no moral strength as my president.
Barack Obama at least doesn’t abandon his fundamental principles when faced with crisis. However, Barack Obama’s fundamental beliefs are even further away from what I think is right than John McCain’s wavering morals.… read more “Why I Don’t Vote Part 2”
1,001st Post
My blog has now passed the 1,000 posts mark.‚ That was the goal I set for myself when I started writing the blog.
Wonder What My Company Does?
Below is a video created by my company describing what we do: Passes 200,000 Unique Visitors!
I have now had more than 200,000 unique visitors since my blog launched last year (most of these visitors coming in the last 6 months). Woohoo!
Doorway to Hell
In Darvaz, Turkmenistan, geologists were drilling for gas 35 years ago. While drilling, they hit an underground cavern filled with gas and their drilling rig and camp collapsed into the cave and ignited the gas. For the last 35 years the burning gas in the cavern has burned so intensely that the locals have taken to calling it the “Door to Hell”.… read more “Doorway to Hell”
Black Monday, 2008: 777 Point Drop In Markets Today… Worse Will Come
Welcome to Black Monday, 2008.
Today the Dow dropped 7% and the S&P 500 dropped 9%.‚ Those are the biggest drops in the market in almost two decades since the last Black Monday, 1987.‚ On that day in 1987 the Down dropped 20%, but fewer total points than it dropped today.
Want the really bad news?… read more “Black Monday, 2008: 777 Point Drop In Markets Today… Worse Will Come”
Jon Stewart Rips Hypocrites
Watch the hilariously funny video of Jon Stewart ripping on a bunch of hypocritical idiots who contradict themselves in multiple places on television talk shows. Great stuff.
Sarah Palin and John McCain’s advisors are the primary targets of Jon Stewart’s cutting wit. I’d like to see him go after some of Barack Obama’s people sometime too, but i’ll take what I can get.… read more “Jon Stewart Rips Hypocrites”