Our country WAS founded with the separation of church and state in mind. Our founders did not want political leaders to abuse their power like the King of England and all the other monarchies in Europe did. Our founders set up our country so that anyone could believe in any religion they want or no religion.… read more “Separation of Church & State Makes America, America.”
Category: Uncategorized
Digital Load Weight Gauge
The Digital Load Weight Gauge is an extremely valuable device to tell the exact weight of your truck, trailer, or tractor. This could be the device that prevents a rollover or a ticket. This excellent tool comes with a lifetime warranty. also, this tool is easy to install and use.
Peter Pan Arrested
Protestors dressed as Disney characters were arrested outside of Disneyland recently.
Peter Pan was taken off to jail. How sad.
Commercial Lending Info
A great resource for information on commercial lending can be found here in this article about commercial lending basics. This information should help you make quality decisions on your commercial loans.
Drunk Hick Starts Fight, Gets Beat Then Cries
Some foolish drunk man starts a fight he can’t finish and then starts crying.
Horrible Weightlifting Injury at Olympics
Watch this very disturbing video of Janos Baranyai dislocating his elbow while doing weightlifting in the olympics.
Russia Invades Georgia
Russia has invaded its neighbor Georgia. Georgia had a pro-Russia region that tried to secede and Russia responded with overwhelming force, effectively splitting the country in two and conquering far beyond the initially invaded region of South Ossetia. Russia is deeply angry at Georgia for trying to join NATO and for Georgia’s pro-western leanings and democracy.… read more “Russia Invades Georgia”
Don’t care. At all. Until they introduce wanking as an olympic sport so that I can compete, I am not going to pay any attention to them.
For God’s sake, they don’t even play football in the olympics! I am supposed to get excited about swimming or shooting or jumping? Booooooooring.
Everybody is all pumped about Michael Phelps and his freakish body.… read more “Olympics…”
Harold Martin: My Hero
My grandpa, Harold Martin, is a good man who has had great influence on me. Through my life, I’ve thought that people who talked about family members as their heroes were small creatures who just couldn’t see the big picture. Why would you say your dad is your hero when you can look to history and find figures such as John Rockefeller, Julius Caesar or Genghis Khan?… read more “Harold Martin: My Hero”
Ludacris Backs Obama, But Obama Not Happy
Ludacris released the following video backing Barack Obama.
Barack Obama’s people are not happy about the ghetto rapper’s dirty lyrics and released a statement criticizing Ludacris. I think its BS that Barack Obama’s people are criticizing Ludacris’s lyrics now in a blatant attempt to pander to socially conservative voters. Barack Obama has Ludacris on his iPod and they have been friends for awhile, so it’s ridiculous to suddenly come out against Ludacris because of the dirty lyrics in his song.… read more “Ludacris Backs Obama, But Obama Not Happy”