Run on the Banks?

Apparently, some banks have started to have serious financial trouble. A few banks are rumored to currently have depositors making a run on them. Very dangerous situation… it’s like having a massive boulder teetering on the edge of a cliff. If a couple small breezes hit it, the boulder will start smashing it’s way downhill. Everyone, including the President of the United States, continues to try to downplay the situation, but I think it is dire.… read more “Run on the Banks?”

Funniest Newspaper Articles

The infamous Black Rooster sent me a link to some really funny newspaper articles and I thought that I would republish them here. The first funny newspaper article is about a courageous hero of a guinea pig named “Sooty”. Read about Sooty’s wild adventure below.

guinea pig has sex with two dozen females

I can’t believe that a freaking guinea pig has way more stamina than I will ever have.… read more “Funniest Newspaper Articles”

4th of July Festivities

Trent and Frodo were in town last week on vacation and we had quite the 4th of July celebration. We started out by buying several pounds of raw oysters from Uwajimaya’s in the International District of Seattle, taking them home and feasting on them till we were all nice and full. We had a bunch of snack foods and beer as well.

Below, Andy opens one of the oysters.

andy opens oyster

Eating oysters on my rooftop deck while we wait for the fireworks show to begin. Below is the whole crew that went along. From the left: Trent (high school & college friend/ Finance manager for law consulting firm), Andy (Ernst & Young consultant, chess partner), Frodo (Venture capitalist), me (drop dead gorgeous Business Analyst), Plato (UW 3L law student).

oysters on joels deck

Continue reading 4th of July Festivities

Digital Auto Gauges Now Live!

My new website, Digital Auto Gauges, is now live! I am selling a variety of aftermarket digital gauges (such as speedometers, voltmeters, oil temp gauges and more) through our business partner. Digital Auto Gauges is my first ecommerce website that I directly control (as opposed to consulting on other ecommerce websites). I am really excited about it and hope that it is able to take off.… read more “Digital Auto Gauges Now Live!”

How to Type Upside Down

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Interested in learning how to type upside down?

A very simple tool for flipping the text you type upside down is available here. Google recently has been spammed by someone using upside down text on their Google Trends application which shows hot upcoming keywords.

You can use the type upside down trick to put text into most interfaces, including Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Microsoft Word etc.… read more “How to Type Upside Down”