Watch “Do Transgender Athletes Have an Unfair Advantage? The Science” on YouTube

The men’s category in sports should be converted to an “open” category, where men or women or trans people can compete as they wish. Trans people should be allowed to live their lives as they see fit. It is not transphobic to ask that someone with the advantage of a lifetime of testosterone and other male differences be required to compete in the open category.… read more “Watch “Do Transgender Athletes Have an Unfair Advantage? The Science” on YouTube”

Bike Workout Theory – Deep hole of Fatigue, then Full Recovery

I’ve got a new training theory I came up with and am testing. Basically, the idea is to dig a deep fatigue / tsb hole for myself of -25, then allow my body to fully recover to ideally recover to +15. Maybe those numbers aren’t perfect, but the idea is to maximize the fatigue then allow for a full recovery.… read more “Bike Workout Theory – Deep hole of Fatigue, then Full Recovery”

Covid – Return to Normal

I am vaxxed and boosted. Everyone I know in my very Republican rural county got the new wave of Omicron in the last ten days, including me. No one got seriously ill, even though many were not vaxxed. My symptoms were barely detectable.

I am done with Covid, I did my part to stop prevention. At this point, it is damaging children to keep them locked up.… read more “Covid – Return to Normal”