Mega Wasps

I have been listening to Great Courses course on biology each morning when I work out. The recent lectures have been on evolution and genetic engineering…

So last night I had a dream that I was a biologist and engineered a mega wasp that was intelligent as humans and had a sting that killed and was resistant to cold, heat, insecticide and could photosynthesise.… read more “Mega Wasps”


I’ve been working 60-70 hours a week, working out hard every day and in my spare hour in the evenings reading business books. I am tired and my patience feels thin. I need to re-energize myself.


I spent 14 hours this weekend debugging an application built by someone else. I couldn’t even get it properly installed! Super frustrating, but I did learn a decent amount of system administration related stuff. Hopefully my pain will help me in the future.

Tools vs Teams

I have spent quite a bit of time and effort lately developing tools for Coalition. The trade off for this is that I have not been able to spend as much time directly with my teams and clients. I need to make an effort to spend more time there as I feel I may be getting diminishing returns on my tool suite and a lot of good would come from more face time with my team.


Most people complain about their job, but it seems like having a job is pretty important to giving people meaning and purpose in their lives.

Going on vacation for a few days is a great feeling, but not having work on a daily basis longer than that is depressing. People who are long term unemployed or retired have much higher rates of depression than those who work.… read more “Work”


I am in love with the Laravel framework! It greatly simplifies PHP development and deployment. I have built two custom web applications on it so far, one for training and one for recruiting.