Rocket League

Rocket League has become quite the nightly attraction for me. I usually will have dinner with my wife, then read for awhile, and finally play Rocket league for an hour or so.

Conspiracy Theory Thinking

I listened to a good lecture this morning on the cognitive fallacies that contribute to conspiracy thinking. Conspiracy thinking is what leads to the belief that aliens landed at Roswell, the 9/11 attack was orchestrated by the US government, the Federal Reserve is a secret global domination cabal, global warming is a fraud by all of science, etc.… read more “Conspiracy Theory Thinking”

Task Prioritization

Lately I have been feeling absolutely buried in the millions of tasks I need to get done. I am trying to get better at prioritization rather than just doing a random assortment of things that capture my attention temporarily. I am going to spend some time today to prioritize all of my tasks and then start at the top and work down.

Parkinson’s Law

Parkinson’s Law says that work will expand to fill the time allocated to it.

This is a great danger in companies like mine that do work on a project basis. We try to keep scopes of work strictly defined so that we can hold team members accountable for realistic timelines.