
I’ve been reading an interesting book, “I am a Strange Loop”. The author is a famous philosopher on the nature of consciousness. The specific bit that I have been most interested by so far is the authors take on what is the nature of a “I”. 

He has pointed out that each of our brains is made up of a separate left hemisphere which controls an eye and an ear, and a right hemisphere which controls the other side.… read more “Marriage”


I have been feeling extremely healthy lately. I have been working out seven days a week, I have not had any alcohol in over four months, I have not even had any caffeine in a month. Feeling incredibly good and making big strides forward in my business as well.

LA Rage

I feel like a lot of people in Los Angeles are angry a lot of the time. One of my friends pointed out it is because they have never been able to ascend very high on Maslow’s hierarchy chart:

His thought is many people in Los Angeles end up not feeling very secure because they live from paycheck to paycheck and have a hard time saving money.… read more “LA Rage”