Month: April 2023
Finding a Spouse
One more thing that occurred to me – couples grow together significantly over time, meaning that you don’t have to be a perfect match in terms of hobbies and interests and such at the start. Even things like vices or principles can change a bit. That’s why I think it is so important to find someone super reliable and trustworthy and kind over everything else.
Blowout today driving with the fifth wheel trailer

Joel Salatin “Folks this ain’t normal”
Joel Salatin is a truly brilliant man who has written a masterwork full of ideas on how everyone in the world could live an enormously better life. The book is entertaining and fun to read as Joel has a great sense of humor and pacing in his writing.
Benjamin Franklin on government jobs
“No civil job should be so profitable as to be desirable.”
Just as Elon Musk got rid of 90% of the useless dead weight at Twitter, so we Americans need to reduce the size of government by 98%.
Funny quote
Griffin (3 y/o) upon being told there was a cemetery nearby, said he wants to go poke the dead people.
We informed him this would probably be gross.
Always follow the money
If you want to know where the real power in our country and the world lies, just follow the money.
27% of US GDP flows to one profession… One that has the most powerful trade union in history. The longest lasting modern trade union. Healthcare. Doctors and nurses and other staff make obscene salaries by limiting the seats in medical school to restrict supply and keep pricing high.… read more “Always follow the money”