Frustrating Client

I have been dealing with a very frustrating client. When the client began working with me a few months ago, their site was a disaster and their revenue was half of what it was the year prior. My team and I worked very hard to rebuild their site, and get their traffic and revenue back to where it was the year prior and actually grew it quite a bit. This is a pretty big site doing millions of dollars in revenue per year.

Their business is now booming, but the CEO who had been calling me on weekends and evenings when things were bad now won’t take my calls. He hired a in-house guy who has developed a special animosity towards me (I had recommended against his hire, and against his ongoing employment due to the fact that he has no technical knowledge and the last company he was at went bankrupt on his watch). This new guy has been trying very hard for a couple of months to push my team out, and now it looks like he has succeeded.

The client is now also making it apparent that they have little intention of paying for the work done. They owe quite a bit of money for the hours my team worked. I made some exceptions to my usually pretty strict policies on payments for this client and bent over backwards to accommodate them… now apparently I will have reason to regret doing so.

The whole situation is just very frustrating and demoralizing.

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.