A letter to my wife.
- Automobile accidents… as much as possible, don’t drive them around. Don’t let them ride with others. 20% of deaths.
- Firearm accidents (59% homicide, 35% suicide, 4% unintentional). 15% of total deaths. Never let them touch guns without intensive supervision and training. Have gun safes that even a teenager or adult cannot crack.
- Cancerous tumors 9%. Avoid pollution.
- Suffocation 7% total…
Children 1-4:
- Drowning (after the age of 4 this goes down to #4 cause of death due to swim training)
- Congenital abnormalities
- Motor vehicle crashes
The majority of under 19 year olds die as teenagers….
- Motor vehicles
- Firearms
- Suffocation (hanging… 93% intentional1)
Key things I learned here:
- We need to think very carefully about how to train them to deal with depression and suicidal thoughts. And we need to make sure the guns are 100% secure from their access.
- Limit their time in automobiles as much as possible, and only drive at safe times (daytime on weekdays and only with you or I)