Old Man Frat

I joined a golf country club not too long ago. I have been surprised to discover the dynamics are very similar to the fraternity I was in during college. I thought old men with wives and houses and businesses would have a different approach.


  • Lots of politics, popular and unpopular guys, some corruption… lots of complaints about leadership
  • Fights over petty things. Yesterday a bunch of guys wore hats saying “Free OB”… apparently that is a member who was suspended.
  • Lots of camaraderie.
  • In Vs Out mentality. Most of the guys in the fraternity were only friends with guys in our fraternity or other fraternities… most didn’t socialize much outside of that. I was an oddity in that most of my friends were outside the greek system in college. I think psychology studies show that in vs out group mentality is a basic feature of the human brain.


  • Way more money… instead of poor college students (or rich kids) you have mostly self made men… most from business, some from professional jobs, some from government.
  • Much older. Instead of 18-22, average ages are 50-80.
  • Instead of one cranky old lady who made us meals in the frat, there is now a full staff of people.

I think if you look at politics at every level in our government, you will find the same sorts of things. In vs Out group mentality… Game Of Thrones style drama… The things that scares me about all of this is nowhere do I really see true adult leadership.

It was strange for me coming from spending the last ten years in my business to seeing the club. I have been shocked by the corruption and the socially conservative values. I am a libertarian and strongly believe in equality for all and small government and honest and free markets.

I have already stepped on more toes in three months than most other members have in their entire tenures. I have been pushing on the CEO and the President to provide more transparency and to join the modern world. I have faced very strong pushback, and have been told that my emails and conversations are being noted in my file (like it’s elementary school lol), and that the board will discuss me. I figure it’s worth it as this will help and protect the club, and most members I have talked to have said this is important to them.

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.