Home By Midnight?

Old post written a while back, but not posted.

Like Cinderella, I have decided that going home at midnight is my best option.‚  Going out is a lot of fun and I meet many interesting people, but it seems that the only thing that happens after 12:30 is that I get more drunk or get myself into trouble.‚ … read more “Home By Midnight?”


This week has flown by since I have been sick.‚  If I hear one more damned joke about swine flu though I’m going to lose my mind.‚  I’m not sure what it is: I have a cough, a runny nose, a bit of a fever and I feel tired all the time.‚  Last time I had something like this it turned into pneumonia and I couldn’t walk down the street.‚ … read more “Sick”

Blog Issues

If you have run into any errors on my blog in the last few days, please post a comment below… I know it was down this morning. ‚ I think my traffic is overtaxing my current server configuration. ‚ My site has been going down occasionally during high traffic periods over the month or so. ‚ I have been trying to avoid having to upgrade to cloud hosting for $100 + a month, but I may need to make the switch now.

Questions and Advice

Can I cook an omellette on my cars roof as I sit here in the sun?

Do city buses really save energy on a per person basis?

Why do sunglasses make my eyes feel funny when I take them off?

Why are some people so adverse to commenting on blogs, even anonymously?

Why can’t a web programming class be held via webex or some other form of webcast?… read more “Questions and Advice”