
My hair is gone.‚  All of it.

I found a nice electric hair clipper in my new house and decided I should have a new haircut for summer.‚  I was planning on going short, but I didn’t realize it would cut it THIS short lol.

Frightening video of me taken accidentally (I was trying to take pictures and didn’t realize my camera was in video mode):

I thought about stopping with this haircut, but thought my employer may be unhappy with such a decision:

Here’s another:

Crazy photo of me:


The word “work” has so many different meanings to different people that it is useless without context. For me, work has metamorphosised from a damnation into an exultation. For the young Joel, work implied soul-crushing misery mostly because people forced me to do tasks that had no meaning to me: filling out forms at school, weeding gardens that would be full of weeds again two weeks later, and other silly tasks.… read more “Work”

Wolverine, Sex Drive, Bigfoot

Tonight I saw Wolverine: It’s a completely garbage movie.‚  The last couple of weeks my sex drive has been MIA.‚  Not sure what happened to it.‚  Maybe diet, lifestyle, time of year, or something completely different.‚  Driving home on I-90 my speed kept varying wildly between way too fast and normal speed.‚  On one of my normal speed sections I was passed by an SUV going much faster than me followed by a cop.‚ … read more “Wolverine, Sex Drive, Bigfoot”

Does Religion Support Evolutions Goals?

Most religions have two central commands to their followers that also coincide with the central goals of biological life:

  1. Have as many children as possible.
  2. Spread yourselves around geographically.

Religion causes people to do evil things to one another and limits the progress of humanity in many ways, but it has survived in part by espousing the central commands above.… read more “Does Religion Support Evolutions Goals?”

Weeds: Fun at First, Then Awful

I have watched a couple seasons of Weeds now during my weekly laundry time. At first, Weeds was a funny and cute show mocking suburban life in a new way.

Now I hate the characters and find the humor stale.

Each episode though is pretty much the same crap with small differences. The show is essentially a cheesy soap opera masquerading as something better.… read more “Weeds: Fun at First, Then Awful”