OCB: Factoria Old Country Buffet

Today was “Seafood Friday” at the Old Country Buffet in Factoria, so B and Sae and I hit it up. “Seafood Friday” meant that they were serving clam chowder AND “Baked Fish”. No specification on what exactly the “Baked Fish” was, but my guess is herring.

I hadn’t been to the Old Country Buffet since I was about 11 years old.… read more “OCB: Factoria Old Country Buffet”

Microsoft Making A Comeback

I had written Microsoft off as being out of touch and about to collapse on itself. However, I may have judged too soon. The behemoth company based out of Redmond appears to be putting up a fight.

Microsoft either just launched or is launching a slew of cool products and has significantly strengthened others. Bing is Microsoft’s powerful new search engine, Silverlight is unleashing the full .Net… read more “Microsoft Making A Comeback”


Attempted to climb to McClellan’s Butte past Mt. Si on I-90E Saturday. Failed due to lack of equipment and realization that climbing steep ice alone may not be smart.

Sunday went on a bike ride with my brother from Orting to Puyallup. Visited the White family and ate good food at their BBQ. Rode back to Orting.… read more “Happenings”

Bellevue’s Lincoln Square

Used to going out to “areas” of town to find bars like Capitol Hill, Fremont or Belltown, Nick and I tried to do the same thing in Bellevue. After driving around looking for awhile (and making a side trip through the millionaire mansions on Medina), we ended up at Lincoln Square. Lincoln Square is basically the entertainment center for downtown Bellevue and reflects Bellevue’s character or lack thereof quite well.… read more “Bellevue’s Lincoln Square”

South Carolina AG Henry McMaster: SLEAZEBALL!

Henry McMaster, the Attorney General of South Carolina trying to run for Governor, has decided to press criminal charges against the founders of Craigslist for allowing ads for prostitution. ‚ The problem is that Craigslist has actually taken enormous steps to remove these ads from it’s listings nationwide, even going so far as to close it’s “Erotic Services” section.… read more “South Carolina AG Henry McMaster: SLEAZEBALL!”