So dumb. The “Lord of war” about to be released by the US government is responsible for arming dictators and mass murderers worldwide, causing tens of thousands of deaths. Brittany Griner is one person who made a very foolish decision to go to Russia, and then another even more foolish decision to bring banned substances with her.… read more “Russian Arms Dealer for Grinder prisoner swap incredibly short sighted”
Ryan Hoover at Ceed Civil Engineering Review
Update: I have obtained a legal judgement against Ryan / Aaron Hoover of Ceed Civil now. Mr. Hoover has been successful in having negative reviews removed including mine elsewhere and may have uploaded fake positive reviews. Be warned not to do business with this guy lest he do to you what he did to me.
Watch “Obesity is a National Security Issue: Lieutenant General Mark Hertling at TEDxMidAtlantic 2012” on YouTube
Watch “Neuroscientist: “First Hour of The Morning is CRUCIAL” | Andrew Huberman” on YouTube
Reproduction is good, thus vasectomies are bad
The purpose of all biological life is reproduction. We are taught that from our earliest biology classes in elementary school, high school, and college. So why are men getting vasectomies? I don’t get it. Men are just cutting themselves off from the purpose of life. Children are what give you meaning and purpose.
“I am in a cult. Well, that’s not exactly right. It’s that the cult is all around me and I am trying to save kids from becoming members.”
The mammary gland
Evolutionarily, The mammary gland will produce milk even up to the point when the mother starves to death. This happens in humans as well as cows. Evolution and nature itself are against abortion. Babies are more important than their parents.
Bad ideas

I want to paint my house so I set a safety anchor to paint the right side you see here… But climbing around on a 6/12 pitch roof is much, much scarier than a 4/12. And I ran into unexpected problems… Like the ridge vent was in the way of my safety anchor and my ladder was too fat at the top and narrow at the spot for my discount.… read more “Bad ideas”
The family cow
The Family Cow is an excellent book, I highly recommend it to even those who do not wish to raise cows.
Lost Academia
Academia moved away from science, math, tech, business, and medicine to its own great detriment. The majority of “study” areas now are simply political opinions. Poor kids don’t know any better and it is destroying many of their lives before they even get started with debt that can never be paid and lies about the world that lead them to make bad decisions.… read more “Lost Academia”