Review: USAA Auto Insurance Scams Customers After Accidents Total Their Vehicles
After USAA receives a report of a vehicle as being totaled in an accident, and USAA itself inspects the vehicle and totals it, USAA WILL KEEP CHARGING THE CUSTOMER INSURANCE ON THE VEHICLE UNTIL THE CUSTOMER CALLS IN TO CHANGE IT. I have had 6 months of charges on a vehicle that was totaled in January!… read more “Review: USAA Auto Insurance Scams Customers After Accidents Total Their Vehicles”
Watch “Why Have Oil Dictatorships Have Driven Gas And Oil Prices So High?” on YouTube
Watch “12 x 16 Shed: Final Walkthrough” on YouTube
John Deere is Anti-American
John Deere is moving all of it’s cab manufacturing to Mexico from the US.
John Deere over the last few decades has transformed for a wholesome American company that cared about it’s customers to an extremely evil and greedy multinational corporation.
John Deere has made it nearly impossible for owners to repair their equipment in Deere’s endless quest for more profits.… read more “John Deere is Anti-American”
Fed up with rise in thefts and shoplifting, small-biz owners take action
CA State Employees Scam Taxpayers
Yet another good reason for leaving California… 98 lifeguards making over $200,000 a year and one who makes over $500,000 a year.
Add this to the very long list of misallocated government resources in California:
- Reparations to former slaves. This is not a state issue, but a federal issue. And at the federal level, it is ridiculous… every single human alive has had ancestors who were slaves in the last few hundred years.
Plastic Recycling Doesn’t Work and Will Never Work – The Atlantic
Watch “The Fallen of World War II” on YouTube
Russia should be richest
One thing I just realized is that Russia is by far the nation that is most wealthy in natural resources on the planet per person. I’m guessing the United States or Canada would be pretty close seconds. So why isn’t Russia immensely wealthy and successful? My guess is the political system of socialism for 60 years that demotivated people to work, then followed by corrupt authoritarianism which continued the trend of not rewarding people for working hard?