One of the greatest magicians in the history mankind performs a magic act captured on camera…
Flying Spaghetti Monster Appears Over Seattle!
In our first sighting of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Holy be His Name), you can see that the time of the FSM is well nigh.
$285 For These Jeans?!?!?!?
J. Crew wants to sell you a pair of worn out, painted jeans for $285…. boy am I in the wrong business!
Bug Demotivational Poster
Blue Angels In Seattle For Sea-Fair
I have been watching the Blue Angels from my rooftop deck of the apartment building I live in, but I can’t see much. I am probably going to go to Madison Park tomorrow so I can watch them better.
Firefox Features I Wish I Had…
… Found these funny firefox features I wish I had on
Drunk lock
Mom message summarizer
Future Bookmarks:
Auto Outside Temperature Sensor Gauge
The Auto Outside temperature Sensor Gauge is a useful tool to help truckers know the conditions outside the cab. This will benefit anyone due to it’s unique ‘ice warning” feature. When the temperature drops below 34 degrees, a indicator will light in the gauge to let the driver know that there might be ice about. It’s simple to install and use.
Iranian Missile Launch
Recently, the Iranian government published photos of a missile launch that had been Photoshopped to hide a missile that misfired and add a couple of extra missiles in to make themselves look more impressive.
Some of the good folks on the internet have decided to give them a little help in this endeavor…
How California Sees America
Air Filter Monitor Gauge
The Air Filter Monitor Gauge is a great tool to monitor the wear of particulate matter with digital precision. The device has many special features such as it’s lifetime warranty, precise accuracy, and how it’s valuable usefulness to truckers around the world. aIt’s easy to install and use. Your life will run much easier with this mechanism.