The Revenues and Expenses Song

What is the Revenues and Expenses Song?

The lyrics go like this:

Revenues and expenses, revenues and expenses, revenues and expenses, revenues and expenses, revenues and expenses, revenues and expenses, revenues and expenses, revenues and expenses, revenues and expenses, revenues and expenses, revenues and expenses, revenues and expenses, revenues and expenses…

I think you can follow how this goes from here. Maybe repetitive, but it’s catchy.

I had such an intensive focus on the revenue and expenses metric for my company in the first few years that eventually I would just sing that soundtrack in my head, over and over again. Revenues and expenses, revenues and expenses.

This obsessive focus on core metrics is what is necessary to be the best. Mike Tyson, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, and many others agree that FOCUS is the core to success in any individual endeavor.

What is your metric you want to focus on? Maybe you have a better song than “Revenues and expenses”?

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.