Megachurch Pastor Joel Osteen’s wife, Victoria Osteen, is accused of assaulting a Continental Airlines flight attendant named Sharon Brown on a flight from Houston to Vail, Colorado. Sharon Brown alleges that Victoria Osteen became incensed by a stain on her first class seat and threw her into a bathroom door and elbowed her in the left breast.

The lawsuit against Victoria Olsteen looks like it should be a pretty open & shut case since the FAA has already fined Victoria Olsteen $3,000 for interfering with a flight crew member. According to the report put out by the FAA, Victoria Osteen asked another flight attendant to clean a stain off of her first-class seat and when that attendant said she was going to go get another flight attendant to do so, Victoria Osteen grabbed yet another flight attendant and showed her the seat. The newest flight attendant said she would call the cleaning people and went to the cockpit, where Victoria Osteen followed her and then assaulted Sharon Brown. After allegedly assaulting Sharon Brown, flight attendants asked Victoria Osteen to leave the plane, which she and Joel Osteen did voluntarily.
Now that Victoria Osteen is getting sued, she and her lawyer are trying to get the FAA report thrown out of the court, saying “The FAA does in all due respect an incredibly incompetent investigation”. The lawyer for Sharon Brown said the FAA did an appropriately thorough investigation.

I have previously written a post on Pastor Joel Osteen, but his wife’s brazen assault on an airline stewardess just goes too far… Victoria Olsteen is on an airplane to go to Vail (legendary playground of the uber-rich) and she just cannot tolerate a stain on her first-class seat. After all, it might get on her expensive dress. The wife of America’s most popular pastor Joel Osteen shouldn’t have to tolerate a STAIN, right?! Joel & Victoria Osteen are a shame and embarassment on the Christian faith. Joel Osteen refuses to stand up for what he believes in (or perhaps doesn’t really believe in it at all!) and his wife Victoria Osteen is a snooty, stuck-up, rich baby. Not just a rich baby, but apparently a violent one too. Victoria and Joel Osteen are the perfect match: scam artist and vicious, pampered wife.

I simply don’t understand how 42,000 people in Houston attend Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church services each week when the leadership of Lakewood Church is so obviously terrible. Victoria Osteen should be cleaning toilets for a living and Joel Osteen should be selling cheap crap at local town fairs instead of put on a national pulpit to spew their filth.
Sharon Brown is also apparently having a difficult time getting a fair jury to hear her lawsuit allegations due to the fact that Joel and Victoria Osteen are nationally recognized figures and many potential jurors are fans of Joel Osteen’s television ministries.
I find it truly unfortunate that America has sunk to such a point that Joel Osteen and his degenerate wife Victoria Osteen are our foremost spiritual leaders.
Update August 8, 2008
The wrote an article on the lawsuit today about Victoria Osteen revealing more details of the lawsuit. Victoria Osteen has been accused by Maria Johnson, one of Sharon Brown’s coworkers at Continental Airlines of even being racist. Johnson claims that Victoria Osteen barged past her and other black employees to go speak to the only white employee and that Mrs. Osteen was dismissive and abusive to Mrs. Brown because of her race. Sharon Brown also called a psychologist, Shayna Patrice Lee, to testify and she said that Sharon Brown suffers from major depression and PTS because of Victoria Osteen’s demeaning and humiliating behavior. It sounds to me like Sharon Brown is reaching a little bit in her claims, but I hope this knocks Victoria Osteen’s overblown ego back into Earth’s atmosphere. What do you readers think? Is Victoria Osteen racist? Was racism a factor in Victoria Osteen’s actions?
I watch you every sunday morning
Sounds like to me that both flight attendants are just trying to get money.