The year 2008 was a positive one for me.‚ I have made great advances for myself in many areas, from business to social to physical to mental to emotional.‚ The world in general did not fair so well- economies collapsed, wars started and grew,‚ people were discriminated against (Prop. 8 in Cali), freedoms were lost and religions flourished.
Joel’s 2008 Highlights:
- Web knowledge greatly increased.
- Fitness improved.
- Happier than ever before.
- Double platinum status achieved.
- Weekly dinners with good friends maintained.
- Many good movies seen.
- Great new friends gained.
- Vacations had- Vegas, LA, Packwood, Suncadia twice.
- Received 1,000 unique blog visitors in January 2008, received 50,000 unique blog visitors in December 2008.
Joel 2008 Lowlights:
- Income not increased enough.
- Not enough free time.
- Wrists & forearms still hurt.
- Not enough business networking.
- Passing of Chunks & Unbroken.
- Josh still stuck in bad situation.
Global 2008 Lowlights:
- Bailout of Wall Street.
- Bailout of automotive companies.
- Terrorists attacks in Mumbai.
- Rapid spread of radical Islam.
- Loss of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan.
- Anti-American sentiments grow worldwide.
- U.S. economy enters recession.
- Huge swindles continue (Madoff, Social Security)
- Massive drug benefits given, not paid for.
Global 2008 Highlights:
- Election of first African-American President Barack Obama
- Michael Phelps swims like a fish.
- iPhone 3G released.
Hopefully we will have more Global Highlights than Global Lowlights next year.‚ How was everyone else’s 2008?