
Terrible tragedies keep happening because of easy access to guns. School shootings, the Vegas massacre, church shootings, and more. Multiple innocents dead each time.

So why do I support continued easy access to guns?

Certainly not for hunters, gun collectors, or hobby shooters.

I support easy access to guns for everyone because of what we have seen happen in Russia where an absolute dictator has risen to power.… read more “Guns”


Conservatives say they revere tradition. Do they really? Liberals say they respect life. Do they really?

There is a tradition that stretches back billions of generations, back to the very first living creatures. That tradition is reproduction.

Some of your ancestors lived long, easy, and happy lives. Most probably did not. Most fought bloody tooth and nail to survive long enough to reproduce, then successfully fought to keep their progeny alive.… read more “Tradition”

Why Did Filipinos Vote Overwhelmingly for Ferdinand Marcos, Jr? – Open Canada

Democracy does not seem to work well in most places… Why did Filipinos elect the son of a brutal dictator? Why is Trump so popular in America? Even Hitler was elected by the Germans in WW2… Of course, non-democratic countries are universally worse with awful human rights abuses, corruption, and stagnation. I guess this is why they say democracy is the best of a set of bad systems of government.… read more “Why Did Filipinos Vote Overwhelmingly for Ferdinand Marcos, Jr? – Open Canada”


Do something meaningful with your life. Fulfill your biological purpose.

Who cares about running and winning a few stupid races. In ten or twenty years, you won’t be doing it anymore and will wonder why you ever cared.

TV and fiction books you forget almost right after consuming them. Sugar for the brain.

Having children continues the grand tradition every one of your ancestors succeeded in doing.… read more “Children”