Repost from Jeremy’s new Tumblr.
Artificial Intelligence
Growing industry and something that you would want to specialize and find a way to grow a company in
Sales Reports using Google spreadsheets and javascript
Joel taught himself Google’s api script, which uses javascript
On Sales Reports – Joel was confident that the increased transparency would add to his bottom line
Jeremy was skeptical of this – not all good ideas work as expected
Good to be crazy and iterate – Newton had crazy ideas some good some bad – Newton believed in gravity and ghosts
He was only right about one
Took 2 days to build a program that pulls information from your sales people’s spreadsheets into one main spreadsheet
More flexible than Salesforce
Joel thinks that this is superior to Salesforce or any off the shelf product, because you basically expand it as needed and there are no limitations
To do lists – Joel’ s list is 100 to-dos, start with ideas break them into tasks
Jeremy’s list is 5 -10 to dos per day of small, small tasks – research shows such as write thank you notes should be broken down into smaller tasks such as, look on… read more “Repost from Jeremy: AI to Structured Play”