Joel’s New Biz Idea

I had an idea for starting a new business and would like some feedback.

There are currently lots of social networking websites that allow people to create profiles and say things about themselves. I would like to make a site that allows people to say things about other people Wikipedia style. Wiki-people. People could sign on and write reviews of their friends and publicly thank or praise them.… read more “Joel’s New Biz Idea”

Joel’s Primary Search Traffic

I get traffic from search queries on Google. Below are the keywords that send the most people to

# % Query Position
1 10.00% nudedaddy 4
2 10.00% jason robinett 8
3 8.00% earl paulk 7
4 8.00% efficeient 8
5 5.00% shannon schreiber 1
6 5.00% broadstripe sucks 1
7 5.00% omi sushi seattle 1
8 5.00% mark rody 2
9 5.00% khodorkovsk 3
10 5.00% no such thing as former kgb 4
11 5.00% sunday late night specials at the ram restaurant puyallup 4
12 5.00% mr cascade christian 5
13 5.00% rachelle robinett 5
14 5.00% fugly conture 7
15 5.00% christian reviews fletch 11
16 5.00% chris bowker 14
17 5.00% earl paulk 25

Nudedaddy..… read more “Joel’s Primary Search Traffic”

Annoying Wrist

I am not sure exactly what is wrong with my wrist but it has been bothering me for about a week. I think it is a combination of a sprain and an keyboard/mouse overuse injury. Yeah, pretty gay I know, but when you spend most of your time working with computers and don’t have ergonomic equiptment, ligaments and tendons get hurt.

Excellent Sushi

Ian and I had some excellent sushi tonight. We went to Omi’s sushi restaurant in Pioneer Square and had 6 sushi rolls that only cost $3 apiece and 2 monster 45 oz hard drinks. Very good.

After we finished our sushi, we went to his buddies’ house and hung out for a few minutes and then headed over to a really cool Capitol Hill bar called the Hideout.… read more “Excellent Sushi”

Crazy Dream

Last night I dreamed that I was in a situation like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”. Massive snowstorms and crazy weather had caused tons of accidents, trapping lots of people including myself. Food was running low, so I loaded up a sled and started to snowshoe my way south. If I was a bit more superstitious, I might think that this dream was a religious prophesy of things to come.… read more “Crazy Dream”


I have decided that I am going to be much more efficient in my use of my time. In gmail spreadsheets, I set up a document with 4 sections: VT, work, personal and physical. Under each category I listed out my to do list and goals. I am eventually going to break it out into immediate to do stuff, short term goals and long term goals.… read more “Goals”


My knees! Oh, my achy knees! I feel like a cripple!

Actually, it’s not that bad. The outside little muscles on the side of my knee are pretty sore, but it’s not too much of an issue. I just had to do a waddle when I walked in to work.