Stock Market Gyrations

The stock market has been very hard to predict lately. It is at a pretty high point, but I am worried inflation might set in and it might go yet higher. I am also concerned it could crash. I am unsure what would be best to invest in at this point.

AI Defeats Go World Champ

Google’s DeepMind artificial intelligence defeats the Go world champion far sooner than anyone had predicted. Go is a far more challenging game then chess. At this point AI can outthink humans at most specialized domains, the next area will be general intelligence. I give it 3-5 years, though most experts say 20-40 years.

Moto at Home

I could never figure out what this app on my phone did really…. Ever night it would just say “Moto at Home is Working For You”. Discovered tonight that it muted all night time activities including calls. How did I discover this? Joshua Gross stood outside and called me 28 times in a row unsuccessfully trying to wake me up to let him inside!… read more “Moto at Home”


I have been listening to Jeffrey Way’s Laracasts and they have been extremely helpful in improving my knowledge of OOP PHP and Laravel’s platform. I have been a happy paying subscriber to his site for a year now. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to improve their PHP and Laravel framework abilities.

Automated Tools

I really love building automated tools! I built my Shopify autoresponder for helping customers out this weekend and it is working amazingly well so far. Very happy to have fun puzzles to work on.

Great Quote from Quora

“Lastly, I personally don’t think that power corrupts (i.e. I think the maxim is incorrect).  I think power attracts corrupt personalities, so actually more likely is not the man who builds an empire becoming corrupt, but rather after the empire is built (and I can tell you the Facebook empire has not yet been built), the late-joining senior executives or even a successor who starts out corrupt (but hides it) and then, attaining the power they have sought, reveal themselves. read more “Great Quote from Quora”