The War Room

After interviewing Melanie last night and sending her off home, I was supposed to go to the War Room (a club on Capitol Hill) with a bunch of friends. I was just sitting at my computer, chatting online, and starting to get a little tired and thinking about skipping out when Ben called and said he and Rachelle were going to come pick me up and take me to the War Room right then.… read more “The War Room”

Tackling Life

My life has generally consisted of short periods of tough challenges followed by long periods of relative stability. I think I am starting to come to the end of an especially extended time of peacefulness and am preparing myself for a struggle. I have some important decisions looming on the horizon and how I handle them will determine my future.… read more “Tackling Life”

Joel is currently a Spendthrift Bastard

I usually try and save a good chunk of my income every month and have been good about it through my first 10 months of unemployment. However, over the last 4 months, I have not been paying enough attention to my financial situation and after inspecting my bank statements I have discovered I have over a thousand dollars less today than I did two months ago.… read more “Joel is currently a Spendthrift Bastard”

Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

I just finished reading Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. Mrs. Dalloway is all about one day in a woman’s life in late 1800s London. She is an upper-class woman about to throw a party that evening and much of the story involves her interactions with people and those people’s interactions with other and the intertwinings of their lives.… read more “Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf”

Don’t Hate This White Man…

I never held you down… I never oppressed you… I never enslaved you.

If your father stole a million dollars should you be held personally responsible for his actions? Should you be in debt for the rest of your life? If he killed a man, should you sit in the electric chair in his absence?

An accepted principle of justice systems in the modern world is that the son cannot be held accountable for the actions of the father.… read more “Don’t Hate This White Man…”

Pretty words interfused

Este noche es mio. Me encantada la noche con tuyo, tambien.

In an imperfect world, nights are filled with brilliant colors… weaving in and out of this night of ours…words…moments…words falling from the sky….words falling from mouths… interfused in this moment…



tripping over unplanned moments… faltering……

Sitting and feeling the time as you smell beauty and enjoy the physical pleasure of

Something…It’s something.… read more “Pretty words interfused”

New, Final Chapter of the Bible’s Book of Revelations Found! Accompanying analysis by world’s foremost religious scholars

Disclaimer: Post meant to poke fun, not offend. Crude humor involved.

The lost chapter of Revelations, Chapter 23, foretold of the the coming onslaught:

Revelations 23:1 In the Revelation passed onto me by the Lord I saw the tall man coming up out of the earth and he had two followers;a small, kindly box that chirped and hummed like a songbird alongside a gargantuan beast with legs like tree trunks, a chest larger than that of an ox, eyes of flame and an unsurpassed more “New, Final Chapter of the Bible’s Book of Revelations Found! Accompanying analysis by world’s foremost religious scholars”