Merrill Lynch was recently purchased by Bank of America.‚ Merrill Lynch had been hiding tens of billions of dollars in losses and now that Bank of America is responsible for those losses, BoA needs many, many billions of dollars from you (taxpayers) wallet.‚ Bank of America has now essentially been nationalized due to the scale of money the U.S.… read more “John Thain Should Be Personally Liable For Merrill Lynch’s Losses”
Month: January 2009
Sunblock Demotivational Picture
Sunblock demotivational picture.
“Witches not Crazy, Witches are EVIL!” – King James 1
Our good religious King James I of England declared that contrary to Reginald Scot’s heretical book “The Discovery of Witchcraft”, witches were not mentally ill individuals, instead they were evil.‚ Reginald Scot had claimed that the belief in witchcraft is “contrary to reason, scripture and nature” and that only “young ignorance and old custom” actually believed in it.‚ … read more ““Witches not Crazy, Witches are EVIL!” – King James 1”
Sexiness Demotivational Poster
The sexiness demotivational poster below stars an amazingly handsome young man.‚ I wonder who he is?
Scolding Declared a Crime in 1585 England
The English set a law upon the books that made scolding a crime.‚ They also banned the incitement of quarrels or lawsuits, eavesdropping and being a “common night walker”.
Religous Cults of Personality
Another bit taken from my email conversation with my friend Mark, here we are discussing cults of personality in religion and Mark’s Christian perspective on such things.
Joel: Mark Driscoll may be building a cult of personality that is much like Joel Osteen or Kevin Gerald, but targets a different type of person.‚ What do you think about cult’s of personality in religion?‚ … read more “Religous Cults of Personality”
Eating Disorder Demotivational Poster
Perfect demotivational poster on why eating disorders are horrifying.
Mary Queen of Scots Pet Dog
The little pet dog of Mary Queen of Scots was so loyal to her that it was found nestling under her skirts after she was beheaded.‚ Upon being pulled out, the little dog insisted on lying in the area between her former mistress’s shoulders and her severed head.‚ True Wuv.
Holocaust of the Werewolves
Between the years 1520-1630, some 30,000 people were executed for supposedly being werewolves.‚ In one instance, the entire Gandillon family of the Jura mountains were convicted of being werewolves and burnt.‚ Their confessions were gained through torture.
Seattle Police Refuse to Investigate Hit & Runs
I was very surprised to learn today that the Seattle Police Department does not investigate hit & run accidents that do not involve major injuries.‚ My car was hit by a man in a Jeep while it was parked in Queen Anne.‚ Witnesses wrote down the man’s license plate, so I filed a police report and a report with my insurance company.… read more “Seattle Police Refuse to Investigate Hit & Runs”