Funny Quotes Old Relationships

Gmail is a treasure trove of funny old quotes from long dead relationships. I was bored tonight waiting for Kenny to call me to meet him for a beer, so I dug back into a pile of silly, immature and hilarious emails.

Funny quotes from ex’s:

  • “Another email.  Great.”
  • “I didn’t say I was “pissed,” but you certainly did annoy me.”
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How to Stop an Insurgency

Spartacus, a former Roman slave, started a massive rebellion against the Romans and defeated two major armies with his ragtag collection of slaves.‚  The slave army even escaped Italy… only to turn back in a misguided effort to perhaps conquer the city of Rome itself.‚  Finally, the slaves were defeated by a Roman army and the Romans made a horrifying example of the 6,600 prisoners they took by crucifying them all on Appian Way.‚ … read more “How to Stop an Insurgency”

Bailouts Continue to Grow and Spread

Government bailouts of many private companies has begun to smack of nationalization. Citigroup & Bank of America have received tens of billions of dollars and expect to receive much more. The government will end up owning significant chunks of each. Chrysler’s crappy finance arm just received a $1.5 billion to try to give better deals on leases for their awful automobiles.… read more “Bailouts Continue to Grow and Spread”

“Christians, Castrate Yourselves”

Origen, a Founder of the Church, read the words of Matthew 19:12 literally:

“For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it.”… read more ““Christians, Castrate Yourselves””