Finishing this 1000 piece puzzle. Jordan and I worked on it together over the last two nights.
Month: December 2011
Britains Monarchy Similar to North Korea’s Dictatorship?
Look at the emotional outpouring following Kim Jong Il’s death in North Korea. Compare those feelings to those in Britain following the passing of a Monarch. Is North Korea really just the last feudal society from the Dark Ages in the modern world?
Christmas at Grandparents Cabin
Playing Farkle with the family. Won both games much to their consternation. Working on javascript Farkle simulator for optimal strategies.
My Hero
Old Picture
Jordan and I as kids at Bestemors.
Coalition Christmas Party 2011
Spreading Vision
One of the biggest challenges of running a company is making sure everyone shares the same vision. Getting everyone moving in the same direction is worse than herding cats. Each person has their own perspective on how things should be run and usually they don’t have enough information to see the big picture.
Nick Loper – Great Blog Posts
I regularly write blog posts, many of which aren’t as well thought out or researched as they should be. It’s hard enough just trying to remind myself to write them, much less have something original & genuinely interesting to talk about. I have followed another blogger, Nick Loper, for a couple of years now and have found many of his contributions to be really good. … read more “Nick Loper – Great Blog Posts”
Kim Jong Il Dead
In good news for the North Korean people, dictator Kim Jong Il is dead. Hopefully the fat man roasts for his crimes.
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