Interesting Conversation on Singularity.

7:03 PM ”A Friend”: I like Kurweil’s idea

7:04 PM he’s kind of a salesman for it

this blog of his is good

7:05 PM absolutely man will combine his body with machines to a ridic extent

already happening

google in your hand

next in your glasses

sorry I was at dinner last night

plus this

read more “Interesting Conversation on Singularity.”


Ray Kurzweil has some very interesting ideas, especially around the exponential increases in technology. He has an idea he calls the singularity- its the point in time in which computers begin to create innovations of their own and our technology advances even faster than it ever has before.  Read a full description of the idea here:

Christmas Truce 1914

I just watched a great movie on the Christmas Truce of 1914 when young men from both sides sent to fight and die in World War 1 spontaneously rebelled against their commanders in order to celebrate the holidays together. Bitter old men in powerful positions unfortunately cause far too much conflict in the world. Read more here: