
I need to reduce the time I spend checking email. I can process it perhaps once per day or twice per day. Maybe right before my nap at 11:30 am and again while people are still working at like 3:30. Maybe one final time at 6:30 so people can start work.

I am getting too distracted by emails from the major projects I need to accomplish.

Company Update Sent Today

Right now is a VERY exciting time to be a Coalition team member.
Our current team is not only the largest Coalition has ever had, but I believe we are working together more smoothly and successfully than any previous team.
Yesterday, while visiting Washington State, I attended my favorite Uncle’s retirement party from his job as a firefighter.
read more “Company Update Sent Today”

Flight to Seattle

I am on a flight up to Seattle right now for a friends wedding celebration this weekend and my Uncle Jim’s retirement party.

I brought two computers – one is my behemoth server laptop that I use for programming and all sorts of other heavy lifting. The second laptop is this little cheap Chromebook I bought that has actually turned out to be quite convenient for email and Google Drive and note taking.… read more “Flight to Seattle”

Marketing Is A Force Multiplier

Marketing is a force multiplier – if you apply it to a business that has been around for ten years and been able to work out a lot of kinks in sales and production, then it can cause an enormous boom in revenue. However, a new business that is still working on issues and may not have a polished product and sales force yet will have the marketing multiply a much smaller figure.… read more “Marketing Is A Force Multiplier”


I am listening to a nonfiction writing course on and one of the exercises is to write a short piece about mutineers.

The young man walked out on the sunny deck of the Providence. He felt his rate rise and hands twitch as he thought about his fellow conspirators in the cabins below. Looking up into the mist that surrounded the boat as it left the harbor at Marseilles, he rehearsed the secret handshake that would be the signal to take over the ship.… read more “Mutineers”

Tricks for Surviving a Long Flight

Below are my tricks for surviving a long flight:

  1. Try to sleep as much as you can on the flight, but make sure you are well rested prior to boarding. Nothing is more miserable than being exhausted AND unable to sleep on a plane.
  2. Bring tons of snacks and water.
  3. Bring a kindle with a variety of books loaded – nonfiction for if you are feeling ambitious, fun fiction for when you just need to pass time.
read more “Tricks for Surviving a Long Flight”