How to Type Upside Down

¿u?op ?p?sdn ?d?? o? ?o? ?u?u???l u? p??s????u?

Interested in learning how to type upside down?

A very simple tool for flipping the text you type upside down is available here. Google recently has been spammed by someone using upside down text on their Google Trends application which shows hot upcoming keywords.

You can use the type upside down trick to put text into most interfaces, including Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Microsoft Word etc.

Learning how to write upside down is a very important skill if you want to be a successful person in this world.  If you can’t type upside down, how else can you make you boss feel foolish when he reads your emails?  How else but by using upside down type do you get to confuse your grandparents when you send them messages?  I love to use upside down type on facebook to make people laugh and try to figure out what is going on!  Good stuff.

If you have any questions on how to type upside down, feel free to leave them in my comments!

Update: More good links on where to go learn how to type upside down are in the comments now!

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.

26 thoughts on “How to Type Upside Down”

  1. <form name=”f”>
    <span class=”l”> how to write upside down text? just start typing in this box:
    <br><textarea rows=”3″ cols=”100″ name=”original” onkeyup=”flip()” style=”background-color:#c6e6e7;” class=inputBox></textarea>
    <!–<input value=”Flip” onclick=”flip()” type=”button”>–>

    <span class=”l”> :u&#653;op &#477;p&#305;sdn</span> <span class=g>(Copy & paste in browser on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Bebo, Craigslist, Gmail, Word, YouTube …)</span>
    <br><textarea rows=”3″ cols=”105″ name=”flipped” id=i onClick=”SelectAll(‘i’);” readonly style=”background-color:#e6e6fa;” class=inputBox></textarea>

    <!– Mapping to make the letters upside down –>
    <!– Enhanced mapping from –>
    <script language=”JavaScript”>
    function flip() {
    var result = flipString(document.f.original.value.toLowerCase());
    document.f.flipped.value = result;
    function flipString(aString) {
    var last = aString.length – 1;
    var result = new Array(aString.length)
    for (var i = last; i >= 0; –i) {
    var c = aString.charAt(i)
    var r = flipTable[c]
    result[last – i] = r != undefined ? r : c
    return result.join(”)
    var flipTable = {
    a : ‘\u0250’,
    b : ‘q’,
    c : ‘\u0254’,
    d : ‘p’,
    e : ‘\u01DD’,
    f : ‘\u025F’,
    g : ‘\u0183’,
    h : ‘\u0265’,
    i : ‘\u0131’,
    j : ‘\u027E’,
    k : ‘\u029E’,
    l : ‘\u05DF’,
    m : ‘\u026F’,
    n : ‘u’,
    r : ‘\u0279’,
    t : ‘\u0287’,
    v : ‘\u028C’,
    w : ‘\u028D’,
    y : ‘\u028E’,
    ‘.’ : ‘\u02D9’,
    ‘[‘ : ‘]’,
    ‘(‘ : ‘)’,
    ‘{‘ : ‘}’,
    ‘?’ : ‘\u00BF’,
    ‘!’ : ‘\u00A1’,
    “\'” : ‘,’,
    ‘<‘ : ‘>’,
    ‘_’ : ‘\u203E’,
    ‘”‘ : ‘\u201E’,
    ‘\\’ : ‘\\’,
    ‘;’ : ‘\u061B’,
    ‘\u203F’ : ‘\u2040’,
    ‘\u2045’ : ‘\u2046’,
    ‘\u2234’ : ‘\u2235’
    for (i in flipTable) {
    flipTable[flipTable[i]] = i


  2. Test 1-2


    :uʍop ǝpısdn (Copy & paste in browser on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Bebo, Craigslist, Gmail, Word, YouTube …)

    function flip() {
    var result = flipString(document.f.original.value.toLowerCase());
    document.f.flipped.value = result;
    function flipString(aString) {
    var last = aString.length – 1;
    var result = new Array(aString.length)
    for (var i = last; i >= 0; –i) {
    var c = aString.charAt(i)
    var r = flipTable[c]
    result[last – i] = r != undefined ? r : c
    return result.join(”)
    var flipTable = {
    a : ‘\u0250′,
    b : ‘q’,
    c : ‘\u0254′,
    d : ‘p’,
    e : ‘\u01DD’,
    f : ‘\u025F’,
    g : ‘\u0183′,
    h : ‘\u0265′,
    i : ‘\u0131′,
    j : ‘\u027E’,
    k : ‘\u029E’,
    l : ‘\u05DF’,
    m : ‘\u026F’,
    n : ‘u’,
    r : ‘\u0279′,
    t : ‘\u0287′,
    v : ‘\u028C’,
    w : ‘\u028D’,
    y : ‘\u028E’,
    ‘.’ : ‘\u02D9′,
    ‘[‘ : ‘]‘,
    ‘(’ : ‘)’,
    ‘{’ : ‘}’,
    ‘?’ : ‘\u00BF’,
    ‘!’ : ‘\u00A1′,
    “\’” : ‘,’,
    ‘_’ : ‘\u203E’,
    ‘”‘ : ‘\u201E’,
    ‘\\’ : ‘\\’,
    ‘;’ : ‘\u061B’,
    ‘\u203F’ : ‘\u2040′,
    ‘\u2045′ : ‘\u2046′,
    ‘\u2234′ : ‘\u2235′
    for (i in flipTable) {
    flipTable[flipTable[i]] = i

  3. Do you have to copy the code onto the comment box or wut? I’m a real novice at this so i need help

  4. when I use the site you link to and cut-and-paste to facebook, it turns it back up. Any thoughts?

  5. i still dont get how to do it your website really does not say exactly how to type upside down you just have the link.

  6. haha, yeah, looks like google’s definitely been the victim of upside down text. like if you try typing ?l?oo? into google search, google suggest gives you “?l?oo? no? ??n?”. anyways, I would recommend you link to instead of the revfad site you linked to cause revfad doesn’t flip upper case characters but the upsidedowntext website does.

  7. I dont want to know where you go to get it upside down. I want to know how like me typing it upside down not or any other site.

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