Watch “Why We Won’t Raise Our Kids in Suburbia [Remake]” on YouTube

This is the downside of government regulations. Bureaucracy starts with good intentions and then slowly evolves to protect the bureaucrats jobs at all costs. They don’t want anything to go wrong so they way over-regulate. We need a bankruptcy type of process for regular and government agencies. And we need less regulations and agencies to start with.

War rap: In Ukraine, an angry voice for a furious generation | AP News

“One of the ironies of the Feb. 24 invasion launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin is that in ordering the destruction of Ukrainian towns and cities, he is fueling one of the very things he wanted to extinguish: a rising tide of fierce Ukrainian nationalism, forged in the blood of tens of thousands of Ukrainian dead and the misery of millions who have lost loved ones, homes, livelihoods and peace.”


We see managerialism every day: Venture Capitalists (mostly managing other people’s capital), members of Boards of Directors (without much financial stake), and Private Equity folks (once again… other peoples money) all making decisions to maximize their financial gain without risk. Do away with the Limited Liability concept in business and you will also get rid of all the negative externalities.… read more “Managerialism”

Arm The World

Power does not come from protests, sit-ins, or other useless gestures. Power comes from the force of arms. Power ultimately always will derive from whoever has the most military force.

It’s funny that the New York Times and CNN report with great anguish the atrocities that Putin and his cronies are committing in Russia, Ukraine and in Africa….… read more “Arm The World”

Review: USAA Auto Insurance Scams Customers After Accidents Total Their Vehicles

After USAA receives a report of a vehicle as being totaled in an accident, and USAA itself inspects the vehicle and totals it, USAA WILL KEEP CHARGING THE CUSTOMER INSURANCE ON THE VEHICLE UNTIL THE CUSTOMER CALLS IN TO CHANGE IT. I have had 6 months of charges on a vehicle that was totaled in January!… read more “Review: USAA Auto Insurance Scams Customers After Accidents Total Their Vehicles”

John Deere is Anti-American

John Deere is moving all of it’s cab manufacturing to Mexico from the US.

John Deere over the last few decades has transformed for a wholesome American company that cared about it’s customers to an extremely evil and greedy multinational corporation.

John Deere has made it nearly impossible for owners to repair their equipment in Deere’s endless quest for more profits.… read more “John Deere is Anti-American”