7 Social Media Marketing Tips

Social Media marketing is the hottest new trend in business, but how does it work?  Many of us have used the major social networking website (Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, Twitter), but using these tools on a personal level is much different than using them on a business level.  Below are 7 tips that will help you maximize the success of your social media marketing efforts:

  1. Plan.
read more “7 Social Media Marketing Tips”

Newspapers Going to Get Bailout Money?

As long as the U.S. government is taking money from successful, well-run companies (Google, Apple, GE, Me) and forking it over to corrupt, evil corporations (GM, most big banks) why don’t we give some of that to another dying industry? And what is dying faster than the newspaper industry? Well lots of lobbyists are in Washington DC trying to do just that and Obama sounds like he might give it to them.… read more “Newspapers Going to Get Bailout Money?”

TruReputationScore.com Official Launch

Visible Technologies has officially launched the “credit score for brand reputation”. Visit trureputationscore.com and register for a free account to try it out.   TruReputation Score is a fast and very accurate measurement of how people are viewing you in the search engines.  I am rolling out the next version that will enable tracking of multiple keywords over time, graphing and lots of other cool functionality in a month.  … read more “TruReputationScore.com Official Launch”

Using Ping.FM: Ping Social Media Services

I am now using Ping.fm.  Ping.fm is a service that allows you to post status updates to one interface and have them pushed out to all of your social media websites.  For instance, my status updates are published to Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn and even my own blog!  You can see my ping.fm widget on the right under the title “Status Updates”.

Systemic Failures Still in Markets

The NYTimes had a great op-ed piece today on the financial markets and the systemic problems that still exist. Read on below:

As a start, the best-compensated executives at the top of these big banks, hedge funds and private-equity firms should be treated like general partners of yore. If a firm takes prudent risks that pay off, this top layer of management should be well compensated.… read more “Systemic Failures Still in Markets”