Greenwashed: Electric Pickup Trucks Are Dirtier Than You Think | Hacker News
Analysis: Viral ‘RINO hunting’ ad goes too far
Seattle’s Budget Such a Hard Issue?
These stories were literally right next to each other on the Seattle Times today. This is not even a $1.9m plan… it’s $1.9m to get it started, then $5m a year. How about if we don’t spend millions of dollars parking RVs full of homeless?
Watch “‘Slaughtered’: Eyewitnesses Recount Killing Of Three Ukrainian Teenagers” on YouTube
Watch “Milton Friedman – Understanding Inflation” on YouTube
The Case Against Affirmative Action | STANFORD magazine
The Sad Irony of Affirmative Action | National Affairs
It’s Your Friends Who Break Your Heart – The Atlantic
After reading this I sent the following text to the friend who shared it with me:
I value our friendship very highly. Our conversation in Venice about children being the purpose of life and only viable form of immortality eventually led me to rebuild my entire life around that. Now I spend all of my time with my kids and wife and am trying to have more.… read more “It’s Your Friends Who Break Your Heart – The Atlantic”