I found a really cool new website for reading lots of text fast. It’s called Spreeder.com and it loads any text that you copy & paste into a java applet that displays one word at a time at any speed you desire. Since you dont need to move your eyes to read, you can read and comprehend information at a much faster rate than normal.… read more “Spreeder.com”
Policeman Vs. Fireman
Highly entertaining police versus firefighters video. The funny video shows how the life of a fireman and a policeman differ.
Policeman Perry “I’m not going to lie. I get shot at.”
Fireman Jake: “I got laid three times.”
Policeman Perry: “UGH!”
Fireman Jake- “It’s those chicks… where?… bathroom? Be there in a second. Later dude.”
Fireman Jake- “I pulled a train with three waitresses.… read more “Policeman Vs. Fireman”
Josh Helps Out… For Cash
I had my younger brother Josh up to visit for a few days last week and he did some great work for me, including:
- Cleaning my entire apartment
- Writing articles linking to my ecommerce site (Digital Auto Gauges).
- Researching Madden game prices, evil pastors and business types in the state of WA.
Thanks Josh!
WNBA Catfight
Finally a reason to actually watch the WNBA… a catfight.
Garbage Traffic Ticket
I got a $175 traffic fine for going 76 on I-90 when I was driving to Suncadia Resort Hotel this weekend…. while I was getting passed by a bunch of other cars. The police in Seattle need to get their act together and stop pulling over people going at the speed of traffic and start enforcing the law.… read more “Garbage Traffic Ticket”
Suncadia Hotel Resort
I spent the weekend at Suncadia Hotel Resort with my friends (Nick Fitzer, Brian Hanson, Kenny, Stephanie & Nicole). Nick got to my house with Brian and Kenny at around 9am and we drove an hour east on I-90 to Cle Elum where Suncadia is located. Spent most of the day playing tennis and volleyball and swimming and going down the water slides.… read more “Suncadia Hotel Resort”
Funny Stripper Training Catfight Video
Check out this funny video of a stripper trying to train another stripper and the ensuing catfight.
Teltek Oil Pressure Gauge
The Teltek Oil Pressure Gauge is a unique product that I currently have available on my Digital Auto Gauges website. This gauge has a vaiety of special features that anyone would find useful. This gauge can report and oil pressure ranging from zer PSI to 150 PSI, with great accuracy. Plus, the Teltek gauges all come with a lifetime warranty.… read more “Teltek Oil Pressure Gauge”
Government Bailout For Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae
My younger brother, Joshua age 14, wrote the following article at my request on Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae’s recent bailout by the US Government.
Two major mortgage companies (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) have been sinking into the hole that is the housing slump in today’s America. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are these two companies founded by the U.S.… read more “Government Bailout For Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae”