Other Countries Screwing American Companies

Most countries have regulated or semi-regulated economies, while only the United States has a mostly free economy. So what happens when companies from a free market compete with companies in a closed market? Usually they are far more efficient and more competitive, so the companies in the closed economy turn to their government for help. Closed economy ccompanies are not innovative or hard-working because every time they have a problem they turn to their tangled, inefficient government bureacracies to bail them out.… read more “Other Countries Screwing American Companies”

World Trade Center Memorial

The bungling government has once again revealed it’s own inadequacy. A report released yesterday stated that the World Trade Center Memorial is years behind schedule and will cost billions of dollars more than originally predicted. More than a dozen different agencies all have to have their say and none of them can agree and all of them have ridiculous requests that are completely meaningless to anyone outside of the red tape bureacracy.… read more “World Trade Center Memorial”

Is Joel Right On Economy?

For a long time now I’ve been saying the American economy is in some deep trouble from the massive mismanagement of our national debt, the curtailing of the free economy by ridiculous regulations that don’t protect anyone (mortgage industry with Fannie Mae & Sallie Mae), troubles in the stock market and investment banks, general economic troubles, and America’s potential bankruptcy.… read more “Is Joel Right On Economy?”

How to Get Out The Vote

All the sleazy politicians in our country try to get out the vote (get people to go vote at polling stations) by any means possible. Fortunately for us, our sleazy politicians don’t have the same get out the vote mechanisms as Mugabe does in Zimbabwe. Mugabe is threatening the populace to go vote so he has a giant landslide victory… although it’s essentially a one candidate race.… read more “How to Get Out The Vote”

WordPress Pageinated Comments

I am now using the wordpress pageinated comments plugin for my website. It basically breaks down the comments section into pages of ten, in descending order. I did it for 2 reasons, 1 because certain pages were getting overloaded with comments and 2 because I think it may help with my site’s search engine optimization.
I need my users feedback on whether or not it makes it easier to understand my big comments pages.… read more “WordPress Pageinated Comments”

Jesus Rode Dinosaurs

New scientific findings give new credence to the theory that Jesus rode Dinosaurs. We all know that the dinosaurs survived the Flood on Noah’s Ark (Noah used his miniaturization ray to shrink the T-Rex so it fit) and recent evidence from Creationist scientists conclusively shows that Jesus did ride dinosaurs. To view the evidence of Jesus riding dinosaurs, see the ancient manuscript below:

I love creationists.… read more “Jesus Rode Dinosaurs”

Tel Aviv to be “Gay Capital”

A friend pointed out an article about Tel Aviv and it’s desire to be the gay capital of the world and asked me to write a post on it – “i think you should do a post on your web asite about tel aviv becoming the gay capital. because not only is it funny but it raises the question of religions point of view on homosexuality.… read more “Tel Aviv to be “Gay Capital””