Check out this funny video.
Puyallup- South Hill
I hadn’t seen my old friend Justin White in a while, so I went down to Puyallup today to see him and to do my laundry. When I was about halfway down, I called him and he said that he was at his new girlfriend’s house on South Hill so I just headed straight over there.… read more “Puyallup- South Hill”
Good Dinner
Last night, Plato and I cooked ourselves a delectable meal.
We went and picked up all the ingredients at Trader Joe’s and then brought them back to my apartment for cooking. At Trader Joe’s we picked up something neither of us had really had before, but decided to experiment with it: Spelt. I think it is some sort of grain and it was packaged with seasonings and all the stuff we needed for it.… read more “Good Dinner”
Cha Ching!!!
A stock that i bought this morning is already up over $300!!!
Spring in the city
The weather is slowly getting warmer and prettier. Too bad I have to be cooped up in an office all day, working. Perhaps one day soon, I will have a successful business of my own and be able to work wherever I please. Until then, I suppose I’ll have to keep working like a slave for my paycheck.… read more “Spring in the city”
Preferred List
Myspace is a piece of crap and I can’t find any way to add people to my preferred list, except by knowing your email address. So if you want to be added to my preferred list so you can read all my blogs, please message me your email address.
P.S. I definetely need to find a new location for my blog.
I just put up my first income-generating (hopefully) website. It sells F-150 Grille Guards. I am pretty concerned though, because it follows the profile of a “doorway/entry” page. An entry page is a site that is purely made to push traffic from the search engines through to another sales website (in my case AutoAnything). Search engines generally try to ban these as quickly as they can, because some spammers churn out 100,000 pages of them per day.… read more “Biz”
I posted my apartment on Craigslist yesterday and have had a lot of people come by and look at it. The first girl came by when it was only partially cleaned and was obviously horrified and left quickly. I continued to clean for another couple of hours, cleaning the matches, dirt, food and other unsavory items from my carpet.… read more “Moving”
Moving sucks
I am getting really frustrated and stressed out about moving.
I am trying to juggle having people come visit my apartment and getting my landlord to give me all the necessary paperwork to sign over my lease with trying to find a new apartment for myself and potentially also needing to find roommates.
Here’s the questions bothering me right now:
-What part of Seattle should I get my new apartment in: U-district so I’m close to friends?… read more “Moving sucks”
Pretty day!
It looks like it will be a beautiful day today, I’m excited to play in the sun for the first time in quite some time.
I think I will go for a run or some sort of cardio exercise and then put on some summery clothes and head outside.
I am not sure what I want to do yet:
Golf?… read more “Pretty day!”