Category: Food
Nick’s Elk
Nick recently went hunting and bagged a monster elk on Wednesday October 8, 2008.‚ Below is the email he sent out and the pictures of his elk.‚ Mmmm… elk burgers… tasty.
7:05 in the morning with the sun rising across the treeline I‚ walked‚ into a clear cut above the ranch.‚ Standing at the far end of the clear cut‚ we spied 6 elk mainly cows and calves.
Whopper Demotivational Poster
Even Burger King is getting in on the demotivational poster frenzy, making the one below mocking the Big Mac.
Mmm… Whoppers.
Citrus Risotto and Veal with Blueberry Sauce
Plato cooked a meal of caprese salad, risotto and veal with blueberry sauce for our usual dinner group on Tuesday September 16, 2008.
Caprese- just tomatoes mozzarella olive oil and salt and basil.

Risotto excellent citrusy flavors.
Plato, ian, diana, ben and alissa were all in attendance
I also reviewed the wines that we tasted that night… I basically just compared them against each other.‚ Click read more if you are interested to see what I thought of them.‚ Might be boring though.
Continue reading Citrus Risotto and Veal with Blueberry Sauce
Floating Fever Eel
When I awoke this morning, I had sharp pain in my throat from a sore throat and I could barely swallow. I gargled some Listerine, which seemed to kill the bugs and the pain. I still didn’t feel well, so I called in sick to work and did my link buying from home.
Tonight, I was digging through my freezer for something to eat and found an eel I had bought from the Uwajimaya market a while back and it said to boil it, package and all.… read more “Floating Fever Eel”
La Isla Puerto Rican Restaurant in Ballard, WA
Last night the weekly dinner crew headed out to go to an ethiopian restaurant named Waid’s in the Central District of Seattle. However, Waid’s was closed for Presidents Day, so Plato led Ian, Diane, Tara and I on to a different destination: La Isla.
La Isla is a small Puerto Rican restaurant in Ballard, WA. Plato had been there before and said it had some great Caribbean food and our group is all about trying new things, so we headed over.… read more “La Isla Puerto Rican Restaurant in Ballard, WA”
Ian Coleman Makes Beef Tartare
My talented professional chef friend Ian Coleman came over for one of our Monday night dinner’s a while back and prepared the best beef tartare I have ever tasted. Beef tartare is a mix of three different types of raw beef (sorry Ian, I can’t remember which cuts) combined with various sauces and seasonings till it reaches perfection. Ian has been trying to teach me how to cook better at these dinners, but I usually end up sitting in awe as he makes the most savory dishes of my life. Beef tartare is usually an appetizer, but I wanted to learn how to make it so we had it as our main course. Ian made several pounds of beef tartare and soft boiled eggs to eat with it on top of bread cracker things.
Beef tartare is now one of my favorite dishes. The group of us had some great fun.
Dinner with Plato: Scotch Salmon Recipe
Plato hosted the monday night dinner at his studio in the University District. He cooked scotch salmon. Scotch salmon is salmon with a scotch-based sauce on top of it. The sauce contained Drambuie (a scotch liquer), Johnny Walker Black Label scotch, creme fraiche, heavy cream, orange juice, and lots of other goodies. We also had a salad with kumquats and almonds and a balsamic vinagreitte dressing.… read more “Dinner with Plato: Scotch Salmon Recipe”
Fresh Wild Alaskan Cod
Today I went to Uwajimaya’s marketplace in the International District and bought myself two pounds of fresh wild alaskan cod and I’m cooking it right now. My apartment smells like heaven. I found a recipe online and made some alterations for my own version. I laid down a bed of onions on top of oil, put the cod on top and put more onions, diced tomatoes, bread crumbs, ground pepper and basil on top of that.… read more “Fresh Wild Alaskan Cod”