Kenny Kadar Visits Seattle

My old college buddy, Kenny Kadar, came up to Seattle this last weekend to hang out with his college friends. Kenny made the mistake of going to the UW-Oklahoma football game where UW got absolutely creamed by the #2 team in the nation, but other than that I think he had a good trip. Unfortunately, I was only able to get one pic of the man (and he is sort of in the background of that lol), but here it is:

I think that photo was taken around 5 am.… read more “Kenny Kadar Visits Seattle”

Broadstripe Cable Screws Cable Internet Customers

Broadstripe, the cable company, is screwing its customers. Broadstripe purchased the old cable operator I had and now has decided to jack up the prices from $29.99 for basic cable internet to a ridiculously obscene $64 a month. Broadstripe did this without even notifying its customers. I just opened a bill and there was $64 staring me in the face.… read more “Broadstripe Cable Screws Cable Internet Customers”