Post update: get in shape

When I was moving my blog over here, I ran across my post about getting in shape. I think that I have been improving lately and will start to really rapidly improve soon. Here is what I have done:

-During my lunch hour on Mondays and Wednesdays I go for a run and have been having an interesting time exploring Seattle’s hidden paths.… read more “Post update: get in shape”

Stupid Survey, but I’m bored.


Q. What is your salad dressing of choice?
A. Balsamic vinegar mixed with olive oil and spices.

Q. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
A. Chipotles

Q. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
A. Anywhere Ian works.

Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
A. 15%

Q. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick off of?read more “Stupid Survey, but I’m bored.”

Getting Undressed

Ben and Leah did a great job in Getting Undressed, the dance show/play Leah created with a grant from the Melinda Gates Foundation. The show was basically about a couple in a city apartment and their interactions with each other, their neighbors, fashion and the city itself. Leah is a fairly talented dancer who moves with fluidity and grace.… read more “Getting Undressed”

Acquisitions & Bail outs

Yesterday was a very successful day despite being sick in the morning. My friend Stephanie wanted me to go to Alki with her and was kind enough to let me drive her & her new Xterra all the way down to Ikea in southcenter to pick myself up a new desk and office chair and then further down to Highway 99 to get myself a new bicycle for commuting and fun trips.… read more “Acquisitions & Bail outs”

Moved in

I finished moving into my new condo yesterday and cleaned out my old apartment this morning. I am really excited about the new place. I still need to upgrade my furniture and decor to match the way the rest of the place looks though. As soon as I get my old computer up and running (I’m using my new laptop right now), I’ll upload some pictures of the new place for everyone to check out.… read more “Moved in”

New place!

I just found a gorgeous new place to live on Eastlake. It is an enormous two bedroom, two bathroom condo with tons of amenities; hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, new washer and dryer. It has a huge outdoor patio with a very nice grill and patio furniture for relaxing and bbqing during the sumer months.

My bedroom is pretty big and has a walkthrough California closet that is almost as big as the room itself and a nice, private bathroom with a showerhead I don’t have to duck to get under (AMAZING!)… read more “New place!”