Industrial Revolution Abolished Slavery

I think cycling gives me a much greater appreciation for modern power generation. The people who came before us for a hundred thousand years had our intelligence, they just had to do tons of work to get even basic tasks done. I think the industrial revolution was what actually abolished slavery; prior to that most human societies utilized various forms of it.… read more “Industrial Revolution Abolished Slavery”

Is the Free World Under Attack?

Putin and Jinping, dictators of Russia and China respectively, could be actively waging a secret war on the free world.

First, we have massive social media disinformation and divisive content meant to destroy unity in democracies going out from armies of trolls in Russia and China.

Second, we have a global pandemic that has suspicious origins, and has caused much more severe disruptions in free nations than those that are in bondage.… read more “Is the Free World Under Attack?”

Injury Risk

Are thrilling sports like high speed bike racing, rock climbing and others worth the risk?

I did a ton of rock climbing, flag football (occasional full speed collisions), etc. Then while rollerblading found I was not invulnerable… And that injuries, while they can heal, many times can be permanently debilitating. In my opinion, no thrill is worth sacrificing a life of enjoyment and health.… read more “Injury Risk”

Zwift Weight Cheaters

My two year old son weighs nearly 20 kg and is by no means overweight… The 34 kg Skul kid looks like he is at least 12 in his photos and much heavier. Maybe Zwift should have separate kids races so they can just cheat against each other there.

It’s ridiculous for an elite A riders averaging 5 wkg and 362 watts over a race to loseā€¦… read more “Zwift Weight Cheaters”

Supply chain shortages

Both political parties are to blame. Trump and the Republicans pushed through the first massive multi trillion dollar money printing package, Biden and the Democrats pushed through the next one and then stopped the Keystone pipeline from coming online.

Let the free market work. Republicans need to cut their support for the patent system (granting of monopolies destroys competition), and Democrats need to drop support for entitlements.… read more “Supply chain shortages”