The New Breed of CMS Software

Austin-based web publishing company SpaceCraft is a forerunner in a new breed of premium CMS platforms offering cutting-edge technology in an easy-to-use format at an affordable price.  There are loads of people out there who want to host your website for the price of a couple of lattes, but they’ll do you about as much good.… read more “The New Breed of CMS Software”

Who Am I?

Email to my team, minus the one retarded bit:

As we grow I want to make sure that every person on our team understands the business, our goals and feel understands where I am coming from.

I am completely dedicated to this business. Here is my Monday-friday schedule:

7:15am wake up

7:35 start work

1pm nap to refresh my brain

6:30 CrossFit workout

8 half the time I work till bed, other half I read or watch movie


9am- management meeting till 11 or 12

Generally 4-8 additional hours of work


Average of 4 hours


I have maintained this as a steady schedule for over two and a half years and I have no intention of changing this at any point.  … read more “Who Am I?” Social Network Launch

A few years ago, I don’t think that I would have known that I’d be the head of a company that would be in the business of building social networks. But today, I’m excited to announce the launch of the social network.

I’m sure more than one of you will be asking why in the heck anyone would build a social network with the billions in capital that Facebook and Google have to throw at their platforms?… read more “ Social Network Launch”