The most obvious answer here is missing: The purpose of all biological life is reproduction… we learned that in school and never realized it applies to us humans too. Make it your #1 goal in life to find a great life partner, get married, then have kids.
Month: January 2022
New workout plan
My new bike workout plan has been giving me record increases in power every week so far. The idea is to give myself multiple consecutive days of rest and recovery. So I workout hard three days in a row, then recover the next four.

Biden vows to nominate Black woman to U.S. Supreme Court by end of February | Reuters
Isn’t this racism? He has decided to hire someone based solely on race without first evaluating candidates?
Watch “Do Transgender Athletes Have an Unfair Advantage? The Science” on YouTube
The men’s category in sports should be converted to an “open” category, where men or women or trans people can compete as they wish. Trans people should be allowed to live their lives as they see fit. It is not transphobic to ask that someone with the advantage of a lifetime of testosterone and other male differences be required to compete in the open category.… read more “Watch “Do Transgender Athletes Have an Unfair Advantage? The Science” on YouTube”
Bike Workout Theory – Deep hole of Fatigue, then Full Recovery
I’ve got a new training theory I came up with and am testing. Basically, the idea is to dig a deep fatigue / tsb hole for myself of -25, then allow my body to fully recover to ideally recover to +15. Maybe those numbers aren’t perfect, but the idea is to maximize the fatigue then allow for a full recovery.… read more “Bike Workout Theory – Deep hole of Fatigue, then Full Recovery”
John Deere Hit With Class Action Lawsuit for Alleged Tractor Repair Monopoly
If we abolished the patent systems, competition would dissolve problems like this.
The Witcher Netflix Show
How did the producers of The Witcher on Netflix spend double an episode over Game of Thrones, yet create a show that is total garbage?
The music is the worst part, but the dialogue, plot, and acting all are lacking too.
Covid – Return to Normal
I am vaxxed and boosted. Everyone I know in my very Republican rural county got the new wave of Omicron in the last ten days, including me. No one got seriously ill, even though many were not vaxxed. My symptoms were barely detectable.
I am done with Covid, I did my part to stop prevention. At this point, it is damaging children to keep them locked up.… read more “Covid – Return to Normal”
Another example of garbage patents destroying innovation
Bitcoin Energy Use
Some statistics to start the year:
During 2021 Bitcoin consumed 134 TWh in total, which is comparable to the electrical energy consumed by a country like Argentina.
Related CO2 emissions were ~64 Mt; enough to negate the entire global net savings from deploying EVs.
— Digiconomist (@DigiEconomist) January 1, 2022