L.A. Baby. Then Vegas!

I just booked myself a flight to Los Angeles for Friday, April 18th to visit Trent and have some fun. We are going to drive to Vegas in his new car on that the following Thursday or Friday and party like rock stars till I fly home on Sunday, April 27th. Hell yes. Now I just have to find a hotel to stay at in Las Vegas.

Totally Gay for America Video

I was watched the International Film Channel (IFC) tonight and a show came on that I hadn’t seen before called the Whitest Kids You Know. The Whitest Kids You Know is pretty funny, but they had a hilarious music video at the end that cracked me up called “Totally Gay for America”. Check out Totally Gay for America below:

read more “Totally Gay for America Video”

My Kind of Student

Maybe I’m just a little tired right now, but I found the following test exam score card and accompanying letter from the professor to be completely hilarious. Scantron:

Really funny series of answers to an exam question

The guy’s professor sent him the email a day later, here it is:

Dear Michael,

Every year I attempt to boost my students’ final grades by giving them
this relatively simple exam consisting of 100 True/False questions from only 3 chapters of material.read more “My Kind of Student”

Friday Night Adventure

Last night I was feeling a little bit cooped up from the winter, so I decided to go on an adventure with Plato.

Turned out to be a fine adventure indeed, featuring the world’s largest mixed drink, a tasty dinner, dodgeball at Cal Anderson Park, various Capitol Hill bars and a hipster fight.

Plato and I started out by having a nice big dinner featuring gorgonzola and mandarin salad, honey pepper chicken thighs and two bottles of the finest wines from my collection.

Fletch is a joke

Plato is a tad sarcastic. But look at how good that food is! Yum, my cooking skills are improving.

mandarin orange salad


Click read the rest of the entry to see more.

Continue reading Friday Night Adventure

Downtown Art Walk on Thursday

On Thursday, I went out on the art walk and remembered to bring my camera. I have some interesting photos of art work that I found to be better than the typical mediocre 1st Thursday Art Walk fare. Check it out below.

art walk work- drugs

I found this painting to be entertaining. I can’t remember most of the artists names who’s did the work… next time I go I’m going to bring a notebook so I can take down names.

Welded together ping pong rackets

I kind of liked the welded together ping pong rackets… they sort of look to be in motion still don’t they?

cool american flag art

The American flag above is actually a sculpture. Look closely and you can see a lot of “American” items hidden in it.

Please click more to see about a dozen more interesting photos from the art walk.

Continue reading Downtown Art Walk on Thursday