This is going to sound like your parents/grandparents advice, but whatevers: It makes me sad that many people are unable to live within their means. I have a lot of friends who make good money, but spend it as fast as they make it. They are then forced to go and beg for a raise from their boss, thinking, “if I just made XXX more dollars a month, I wouldn’t need to worry about money anymore”.… read more “Grandpa Wisdom”
Grandparents house
I drove down to Puyallup earlier today to spend the night with my grandparents, which I haven’t done in a while. And I’m starting to remember why I haven’t been down in a while: my grandpa has had me working on his various computers for him the whole time. He has a computer he bought ten years ago that was a piece of crap even then that has never worked very well and now the CD drive has died so he can’t play MS Flight Sim ’98 (Uggh).… read more “Grandparents house”