Contractor & Employee Problems

Getting people to work as hard as I do and do great quality work is really, really hard.  People try to do the minimum work to skate by, nickel & dime me on every little thing, and miss deadlines.  I have been thinking hard about how to better motivate people to do good work:

  • Give bonuses for quality work & meeting deadlines
  • Give equity stake
  • Threaten to fire them or not give them payment
  • Hire better people

You have ideas?

Live School Teachers are an Artifact

If current technology was used correctly, teachers would become an artifact overnight. Through my personal experience with our educational system and extensive discussions with others about their experiences, I think most people only had 3-4 really good teachers out of approximately 70-100 teachers in K-12.

bored-class-average-teacherWe have the technology right now to bring the very best teachers in each subject nationwide to each and every student.… read more “Live School Teachers are an Artifact”

Change Privacy Laws to Stop Child Abuse & Spam & Criminals

Five minutes ago a spammer posted a comment on my site entitled “Mom-Son Incest Videos”.  I regularly get comments like this on my website that I have to delete.  Privacy provides the protective umbrella that allows spammers to operate on the internet with impunity and shields the child molestors who make videos like this from justice.… read more “Change Privacy Laws to Stop Child Abuse & Spam & Criminals”

Government Regulation of Medicine is Ridiculous

State & federal government regulation of medicine is utterly ridiculous.  Such regulation leads directly to abuse by special interests groups (mostly doctors advocacy organizations like the AMA or insurance interests groups).

How is government regulation abused?

Consider the case of chiropractors versus physical therapists.  Due to the fact that mainstream medicine shuns chiropractic care (it’s not based on the scientific method and instead claims metaphysical properties), chiropractors have set up their own separate branch of healing that competes with regular doctors. … read more “Government Regulation of Medicine is Ridiculous”

Rage on Nationalized Healthcare

The recent proposals to nationalize healthcare have finally galvanized freedom-loving Americans to protest. The last few years have seen so many rights and freedoms taken away from Americans through idiotic programs/policies like Cash for Clunkers, the Stimulus, the bailout, the Patriot Act, and others that I thought most Americans had surrendered entirely to socialism. All of those programs though are much smaller steps to a communist nation than nationalizing the healthcare system.… read more “Rage on Nationalized Healthcare”