Google Chrome: Windows Killer?

Google has announced that it’s browser, Chrome, is going to be launched as an operating system soon.  Microsoft’s core product, it’s Windows operating system, is now under direct attack from Google’s free new offering.  I think with the new HTML 5 standard, Flash, Silverlight, Apps, Gears and all the other great new technologies we are going to see a massive tidal wave completely change the face of computing.  … read more “Google Chrome: Windows Killer?”

How To Increase Comments on Your Blog

Many bloggers have asked me how to increase comments on your blog.  People who blog want to know that people are actually reading what they post and sometimes just seeing traffic numbers doesn’t quite cut it.  Human engagement is the best way to understand what your readers are thinking and the comments section is one of the few ways to get it online.  … read more “How To Increase Comments on Your Blog”

Fred Wilson’s Internet Investments

I did a little bit of research today on Fred Wilson (Twitter investor) and discovered that he has invested in quite a few other businesses that I have used and really liked.  Meetup is a web application that easily enables people with a common interest to meetup.  I have been to two types of meetups so far (flag football & entrepreneurs) and plan on using… read more “Fred Wilson’s Internet Investments”

How to Improve Your URL Structure

URL structures are a subject that most web designers ignore.  You visit many websites that have a couple hundred characters in their web address (sorting mechanisms, session IDs and the like).  URL structures are important because humans are much more likely to click on a URL they see in the search engine that reads than  … read more “How to Improve Your URL Structure”

Newspapers Going to Get Bailout Money?

As long as the U.S. government is taking money from successful, well-run companies (Google, Apple, GE, Me) and forking it over to corrupt, evil corporations (GM, most big banks) why don’t we give some of that to another dying industry? And what is dying faster than the newspaper industry? Well lots of lobbyists are in Washington DC trying to do just that and Obama sounds like he might give it to them.… read more “Newspapers Going to Get Bailout Money?”

Systemic Failures Still in Markets

The NYTimes had a great op-ed piece today on the financial markets and the systemic problems that still exist. Read on below:

As a start, the best-compensated executives at the top of these big banks, hedge funds and private-equity firms should be treated like general partners of yore. If a firm takes prudent risks that pay off, this top layer of management should be well compensated.… read more “Systemic Failures Still in Markets”

Certified Advanced Web Application Developer

Just passed my final project for my Advanced Web Application Development course I took through the University of Washington. The course lasted for a whole school year (3 quarters) and dug deep into ASP.NET, web services, C# and SQL server. Fascinating information and I have actually taken a lot of time to learn stuff on the side as well.… read more “Certified Advanced Web Application Developer”

Weeds: Fun at First, Then Awful

I have watched a couple seasons of Weeds now during my weekly laundry time. At first, Weeds was a funny and cute show mocking suburban life in a new way.

Now I hate the characters and find the humor stale.

Each episode though is pretty much the same crap with small differences. The show is essentially a cheesy soap opera masquerading as something better.… read more “Weeds: Fun at First, Then Awful”