Josh Says Happy Birthday

Happy birthday brother!

I’d like you to post this on your blog,

Here is a toast to the host:

My brother, Joel Gross just turned 25 years old. That is 25 years of crazy, ridiculous adventures and experiences. I thought I’d like to share with you all the importance of Joel to me as since after probably cleaning his apartment last summer I know Joel A LOT more personally than any of you.… read more “Josh Says Happy Birthday”

iPhone 3G Sadness

As I stood after sending a letter to the President tonight (as my grandpa says), my most treasured possession fell out of my pocket and into the drink to swim with the not-fishes.‚  I turned around to see to my horror my iPhone 3G sacrificed to the porcelain gods as the water swirled around it.‚  Quickly, I thrust my hand in to rescue it and it came out still operational, so I shut it off.… read more “iPhone 3G Sadness”

Dreams of Insecurity

These days I have very few occasions when I feel nervous, insecure or embarrassed. Even at times when I probably should feel that way I strangely don’t. A few months ago, the results of my ridiculous behavior resulted in some fairly serious consequences. Even in that situation, I thought, “This is an embarrassing situation”, but I had little of the accompanying emotions of embarrassment, insecurity or nervousness.… read more “Dreams of Insecurity”